"'And now we begin the rest of our lives,' Elizabeth whispered, as Lance pulled her down onto the bed.
He said nothing. He was not a man born to make love with words.
Lost in his kiss, held in his embrace, beneath his body, Elizabeth turned to fire and ice, which have a language of their own, a tongue that is not at all difficult to understand. It is the silent speech of a man and a woman alone.
Windward held them, and the June night held Windward, as Lance and Elizabeth had the world to themselves. Haakon had left for Chicago as planned, while Eric and Kristin were on their way to Duluth. In the morning, Lance and Elizabeth would make their journey to the ranch, to continue the life they were beginning tonight.
Elizabeth would never forget, not ever, nor cease to desire, forever, the triumphant sensation of his long staff coming into her. Her face contorted in the darkness as she took him, a grimace of victorious anticipation. Oh, you're mine now, come! Then he was all inside her and she would never let him go. And Lance felt, all about and around the living length of himself, those quivering folds of delight that soothed him everywhere, and maddened him everywhere, a hot enticing kiss that only heaven could have created, that only a creature made of heaven could bestow.
Elizabeth felt his arms about her and the hardness of him inside her and his hungry kiss upon her mouth. He tangled the hair at the back of her neck in one hand, and with the other he stroked delicately the tender petal of flesh that was her whole life now, her life and world threatening to explode like a voluptuous star. Her arms went around him, and her hands caressed his back, tracing his spine down, all the way down until she held in her hand the tingling twin crescents of his manhood, and the taut gourd enclosing them. His fingers were gentle and knowing, and probing and tender and proud. Her fingers were as hungry as her body, as her lips, as hungry as the lips of her body.
Lost in the splendor of her caresses and her kiss, Lance bent over her, kissed her breasts, his own wise touch moving up and down, up and down her inner thighs, his caresses long as forever, even as he stroked her slowly with his body, stroked her with the long length of himself.
And so Lance loved her, each separate thrust an attempt to have her utterly, to bring to both of them and yet to defer forever the ultimate moment of release, a game that can never be won but is never lost. Elizabeth felt herself move slowly around him, as if her body were trying to find a way to take him into herself. And then she felt herself moving more quickly around him, then faster still, until she had lost all control of her movements, of what her body was doing. But she did not care. She barely realized what was happening, so great was the pleasure he gave and she took, the pleasure he took and she gave.
Elizabeth felt her mind fade away and come back, fade away again, only to be stirred back to life by glittering new flickers of pleasure. Then a breathless hollow seemed to glow and grow and spread out beneath her breasts, down through her abdomen as she writhed, spreading downward until every last thought was gone, every last morsel of memory gained in life had fled. Nothing was left of her then except a pulsing petal of sensation. She heard Lance cry, 'Iiiiiiiiiii!' but could not say whether in agony or affirmation, and then the glorious rush took her too. She cried along with him, and felt inside her the pulsing pulsing pulsing spill of him, the flood her body greedily devoured.
And this time she knew for certain. She had no doubt. The tender speech of their flesh, silent though it was had trembled the spheres of life. And out of the abyss a witness had been summoned, sworn before heaven to attest the love of Elizabeth and Lance."
Seize the Dawn -- Vanessa Royall