...a poor blogger, barely keeping up with the daily demands of his fans. Then one day, as he was hunting up a quote, he stumbled upon what he thought was a brilliant idea: a Caption Contest. He would find a really, really bad quote and, rather than try to come up with something funny to say all by himself (okay, okay, fine, The Wife helps, too), he would give his wonderful readers a chance to participate in the process. To win was simple: Uncle Walter or The Wife would have to laugh out loud, groan, or smack their respective foreheads. If any of the above happened, the submission would be declared a winner and said winner would get some cool Uncle Walter stuff. Simple enough, right? Eh... Not so much. We did get some submissions, but nothing truly worthy of such awful prose:
"Her butt wiggled against the hardest erection he'd ever experienced, an erection so big King Kong could have climbed it holding Fay Wray in his palm. Aaron could almost see an atomic blue glow coming from his balls, and it was a miracle the damned crystal flute didn't crack in his grip."
We've decided to give it one more shot. If you can come up with a clever caption (clean, dirty, or anywhere in between), we'll post it, give you the credit, and send you some cool Uncle Walter merchandise! Sound good? Good. So email your response to us, post it in our forum, or leave your submission as a comment. Normally our captions are just a single header, but we're flexible. Whatever it takes to get the funny accross! If you think your reference might be too vague, feel free to provide a link to point us in the right direction.
You can do this! We do it every single day, day in and day out (well, except for when we have no electricity and we get lazy). Maybe we don't always hit it out of the park, but we've got faith that you all can do better! Prove us right.