"This is amazing.
The thought echoed throughout the woman's head as if she never had fast food before. Incidentally, she's been having it several times a day, every day, for the past decade. It never got old.
How can something this tasty not be good for you? The woman thought as she took another bite of her cheeseburger, the sixth one in a row she's had within the last half an hour.
Worth every penny, she concluded as the creamy filling melted, spreading within her oral cavity, as well as every additional pound. Playfully, she caressed the bulk of her belly, now even more swollen due to the sizeable meal she's had.
Pamela, old girl, you seem to have attained a new record, the woman mused, unable to see the palms of her hands as they've grasped the majority of her bulk. To most of the world, her size was something to be ashamed of.
For Pamela Greene, Professor of World Literature, it was a point of pride. Few were the women with the courage not to conform to the rigid standards of beauty imposed by modern society, and fewer still were those who chose to toss them out of the window and embrace their exact opposite.
And what kind of a life would the other option be? Pamela asked herself as she finished her burger, swallowing what was left of it with absolute pleasure. Dieting, exercising, having to plan your whole day out around some rigid program that 'guaranteed' success? Not for me, thank you."
Just Menaged to Forgive -- Jodie Springer
Photo from Jodie Springer's Author Page