"Her milky white skin glowed, shimmered, in the faint light. He drank in the sight of her flat belly, her full breasts tipped with small, pink buds that would taste so succulent.
As he reached out to touch her, his hand trembled, but his eyes fastened on the thatch of curls nestled and the juncture of her thighs. It was like staring at the gates of heaven."
"Gavin groaned and shot forward, wrapping his arms around her waist. If she touched him in such a manner again, he'd not last long enough to see what the inside of heaven looked like."
"Drifting closer and closer to that place just out of reach, she bit down on her lip and broke through the surface of the paradise that beckoned her."
"Gavin braced himself and, armored only in his lust and need for the woman beneath him, broke through those gates of heaven and sought desperately for the redemption he could only find there."
"He felt her maidenhead straining against him. He stilled himself, anxious to feel all of her completely, but just as anxious to cause her no unnecessary pain. Closing his eyes, he prayed for patience, but more so, he prayed for a painless, pleasurable experience for Nakkole. He nails bit into his shoulders, piercing his thoughts as a blade of grass might burst a bubble, and he focused on the need filling her eyes."
Destiny's Warrior -- Heather Waters