We recently visited at Oh Get A Grip!, a great blog run by six authors of sexy books. Uncle Walter was given the honor of contributing to their weekly topic, Constructive Criticism.
Are we mean? Are we unfair, targeting talented authors whose only "crime" is writing in a manner that is expected within the genre? Do we cruelly parody the hard work of decent writers? Are we ridiculing dedicated authors who deserve to be treated with kindness and respect?
Uncle Walter addresses these concerns and explains a bit about the founding of the sites. Be sure to read the comments and share your own! We want to know what you think.
Oh, and enter our caption contest! Yeah, we know we have to end it eventually, but we want just the right submission. You can do it, guys!
"I read it and snark it for the humor!" -Matt
;-[ Vlah! Vlah!
Posted by: Matt | 09/06/2010 at 09:58 AM