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Translation: You smell nice and you're warm...I'm oddly curious.

Actually doesn't sound too bad...

I don't know. She's an iffy author for me. I only like about 2/3 or 1/2 of what I read by her. It's a toss up.

I just hope she doesn't think his "man meat" is a scratching post... ME-OUCH!!!!

I thought you were into some pain?

Just because I got the 2 dydoes, doesn't mean I want a cat to scratch my "junk" to shreds. What I did was to enhance the pleasure of my woman, and from what she tells me, it is a welcome addition.

You can buy things to do it just as well, without the long-term effects. I've never noticed any... "enhancement" with piercings. Maybe your honey has... different active nerves or something.

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